The Mi Karma Post

2015 Edition


December 11, 2015


GSPCA Regional Specialty, Orlando, FL

Karma takes Select dog under breeder judge Char Rutar, as always he was owner-handled by “Mom” Lynn Mitro.


October 10-11, 2015


Mason Dixon GSP Club Hunt Test weekend

Lena earns her first two Junior Hunter legs breeder/owner handled by Rich Mahoney!


September 27, 2015


Old Dominion KC

Myna wins WB/BOW/BOB over specials from the 6-9 puppy class for a major!


Septemver 26, 2015


Warrenton KC- Mason-Dixon GSP Club Specialty

Myna goes Best in Sweepstakes
Mi Karma N Honeybriar Silver Bells “Ele” goes WB for her first two points, owner handled by her “Mom” Nancy Tuthill.


September 25, 2015


Warrenton KC

Myna goes WB/BOW for a point


August 23, 2015


Mid-Susquehanna KC

Myna goes WB for her fist point.


June 7, 2015


Skyline KC

New Title

Wynnie places fourth in the Nov. B. class to complete his Companion Dog (CD) title.


June 6, 2015


Skyline KC

Wynnie places third in the Nov. B. class


May 31, 2015


Shawnee KC

Wynnie places second in the Nov. B class


May 30, 2015


Shawnee KC

New Title

Wynnie places second in the Beg. Nov B. class for his third and final BN leg, completing his Beginner Novice title.


May 16-17, 2015


Mattaponi KC

Wynnie wins the Beg. Nov. B class for his first two BN legs.


February 27, 2015


Maryland Sporting Dog

New Title

Boomer qualifies for his final Rally Novice Leg. Boomer has been completely owner-handled to this title by his Mom Sandy Swinburne.


February 8, 2015


Maryland KC

New Title

Wyatt goes Winners dog for two points to finish his championship! Wyatt was completely owner-handled to every win by Kyle Larson. So proud of this team!

Toby goes Select Dog for a 4 point Grand Champion major.


February 7, 2015


Maryland KC

Toby wins Best of Breed for a 5 point Grand Champion major. breeder/owner handled.

Gretchen goes Select Bitch for a 4 point Grand Champion major owner-handled by her "mom" Nancy Tuthill.


February 1, 2015


Potomac Valley Shetland Sheepdog Club

New Title

Wynn earns his third consecutive Rally Excellent leg to earn his RE title.


January 11, 2015


Charlottesville Albermarle KC

Wynn earns his second Rally Excellent leg


January 10, 2015


Greater Fredericksburg KC

Wynn earns his first Rally Excellent leg