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The Mi Karma Post

2023 Edition


November 25-26, 2023


Catoctin KC


Macon (Bowie X Soho) goes WD both days for 2 more points from the bred-By class.               
Elvis goes BOS for 2 GCH majors and Violet goes Select both days for more points towards her BGCH.


November 2, 2023



Whoopa (Campbell X Myna) goes WD/BOW for a 5 point major! He was also BOB puppy, Puppy Sporting Group 1 and BEST PUPPY in SHOW!! Handled by his owner Kris Eckard.


October 28-29, 2023


Keystone Vizsla Club

***New Title***

Kahlua earns her fourth Junior Hunter (JH) leg Saturday to complete her JH title!

***New Title***

Fauna earns her third and fourth Junior Hunter (JH) legs to complete her title!
Elvis earns his second and third JH legs handled by Dave Wolfe for owner Brenda Mahoney.


October 15, 2023


National Capitol KC

Whoopa (Campbell X Myna) goes WD/BOW for 2 points at his second show! Owner handled by Kris Eckard


October 14, 2023


Catonsville KC

Violet wins Best of Breed in a beautiful specials line up.


September 23, 2023


West Volusia KC (FL)

Campbell X Myna puppy Ross “Mi Karma’s Stitching Old Glory” goes WD/BOS for a 4 pt major his very first time in the ring. Owner handled by Chloe Weldon!


September 23-24, 2023


Hyattsville Dog Training Club

***New Title***

Reigna qualifies both days in Rally Excellent B, with a 3rd place in a very competitive class on Saturday, to complete her RE title.

***New Title***

Reignaalso qualifies both days in Novice B Obedience to earn her CD (Companion Dog) title.


August 20, 2023


Upper Potomac Valley KC

Reigna earns her first Rally Excellent (RE) leg with a 3rd place in the Excellent B class and her first CD (Companion Dog) leg winning the Nov. B class as a bump up in both classes.


August 18-19, 2023


Cumberland, MD
Upper Potomac Valley KC

Reigna earns her first two Rally Advanced legs
Reigna earns her second Beg. Novice B leg

Laurel Highlands Kennel Assoc.

Reigna earns her third Rally Advanced leg to complete her RA title
Reigna earns her third Beg. Novice B leg to complete her BN title


July 15-16, 2023


Metropolitan Dachshund Rally/Obed. Trial

***New Title***

Reigna makes her Rally/Obed. debut and earns her Rally Novice (RN) title with 3/3 Q's earning two 1st and a 2nd in the Nov. B class (99,98,97) and her first Beg. Nov leg.


July 9, 2023


National Capitol KC

***New Title***

Feta goes WB/BOB over specials for a major (her third) to finish!


July 8, 2023


Northeast MD KC

***New Title***

Elvis goes WD/BOW to finish!
Violet goes BOS for another major towards her Bronze GCH!


July 7, 2023


Northeast MD KC

Elvis goes WD/BOW for a point
Feta goes WD for a point


June 9, 2023


Shenandoah Valley KC

***New Title***

Louna Mae (Louie X Myna) goes WB/BOW/BOB over specials for a 5 point major to finish her Championship. This was her third 5 point major! Very selectively shown, always breeder-owner handled.


May 20-21, 2023


Keystone Vizsla Club Hunt Test

Kahlua earns her first 2 Junior Hunter (JH) legs
Fauna earns her first Junior Hunter (JH) leg
Elvis earns his first Junior Hunter (JH) leg handled by Dave Wolf


May 1-5, 2023


GSPCA National Specialty

May 1, 2023- Mason-Dixon GSP Specialty

Elvis and Feta win their 15-18 sweeps classes, Louna places 4th

Regular Classes
Evis 2nd in Bred-By Adult
Louna 4th in 12-18
Feta 4th in Bred-By Adult
Kahlua 2nd in Open
Caster, Violet, Stone (Bowie son) and Tripp (Bowie son) all make cuts in Best of Breed


May 2, 2023- GSPCA Regional Specialty

Feta 3rd in Bred-By Adult
Louna- Winners and AOM from the 12-18 class for a 5 point major!!
Stone (Bowie son) AOM and BOBOH

May 3, 2023- GSPCA Sweepstakes

Elvis 2nd 15-18
Louna 1st 15-18

May 4, 2023 GSPCA Futurity

Louna 3rd in Senior Futurity
Feta 4th in Senior Futurity

May 5th GSPCA National Specialty

Elvis 2nd in Bred-By Adult
Louna 4th 12-18 mo
Caster, Stone (Bowie son) and Tripp (Bowie son) all make cuts in Best of Breed  


April 16, 2023


Harrisburg KC

Feta goes WB from the Bred-By class for a major!


April 15, 2023


Lebanon County KC

Louna Mae goes WB from the Bred-By class for 2 more points
Caster goes Select for Grand Champion points
Roxy passes her CGC (Canine Good Citizen) test with owner Brenda Mahoney
Paris passes her CGCA (Canine Good Citizen Advanced) test


April 9, 2023


Shawnee KC

Roxy wins Best of Breed and an OH Group 2!


April 8, 2023


Shawnee KC

Feta wins BOB from the Bred-By class for 2 points and wins BEST BRED BY IN SHOW!!!
Roxy is Select for GCH points


March 19, 2023


Delaware County KC- Schuylkill Valley GSP Club Specialty

Feta was WB/BOW from the Bred-By class for a 5PT major!
Bowie son Stone was BOS, Ripken was Select Dog, Bowie daughter Ellie was Select Bitch!


March 17, 2023


York KC- Mason-Dixon GSP Club Supported Entry

Louna Mae (Louie X Myna) goes Best in Sweeps, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and received an Award of Merit from the 12-18 class for a 5PT MAJOR!!
Elvis was Winners Dog from the Bred-By class for his second 5PT major!


January 21, 2023


Langley Kennel Club Temperament Test

***New Title***

Bowie, Paris, Violet, Elvis and Roxanne earn their ATT (AKC Temperament Test) titles.


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